Friday, February 20

Neet and Fun things I found around LA

Okay, you may or may not have seen this before. But, I never have and thought this was crazy! This was taken in Target when I was helping my bud, Boyd Hambleton (Art of Naughtiness) do some shopping for his new LA apartment.

 I'm in the car driving and I turn and think, "What the hell?" If you can't tell, it's a gas station. The things you see in LA.

This was so insane. Look closely! You can plainly see the doorway into the Ladies Room, but you can't quite see the toilet behind the plant as they tried to place it strategically to hide it. There were two toilets. One was actually in a stall, but the other was as you see it now. And there was NO lock on the bathroom door!!

I just don't understand. This was in a fairly nice Italian restaurant. Can we say that some Californians spend too much time in the sun?! LOL
