My Wedding :)

April 21, 2012

My Wedding :)

 Everything went very well.   The flowers were beautiful, the dresses all fit, just a little cold, but most things were in doors. 
My Father Beamed All Day form being so happy for me.  He was a very Proud Dad.

I was very Proud too.  My New Daughters looked so pretty in their dresses, with their hair all up.  All My Bridesmaids, looked amazing.  With 2 of my best friends, my sister Veronica, and 3 of my Nieces.   My oldest brother was on the groomsmen side too.   My whole family was there.  :)  It was so nice.

Was worried about my Older sister who had been sick
and in the hospital.  She had similar issues as our Mom
did.  I was so scared that she wouldn't make it all.   And I
don't mean to my wedding.   She was the reason I cried on my
wedding day she did one of the readings during the ceremonial.   I was so happy she was there.

My only regret was to not have danced more!  I was so busy doing all the guest duties.   Saying hi to everyone, it took up most of my time.  But it was wonderful! 
