Friday, December 30

New Site Up and Running! Wonder Vivian :)

The new site is up.  So excited about it.   My Superheroine videos are cheaper on there, since that company does not take a lot for servicing the credit cards.   So that's awesome news.

Bush  Wacked
Bush Wacked
Bush Wacked

There's two videos up right now.   Wonder Vivian "BushWacked" which the western Wonder Woman type costume, it is a new one just for $13.

Bush Wacked
Home Intruders

Home Intruders

Home Intruders
Home Intruders
Home Intruders

Just put up Wonder Vivian "Home Intruders"  It's not new but it's now $20 on sale.

So check it out.  Check out the new site!

Saturday, December 24

Merry Chritsmas, Happy Hanukkan, and Happy Holiday's to all!

Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone has the most wonderful holiday season.  Good times, with friends, family, and loved ones.  Happy and safe.  with all the good things of the holiday season. 

Well it's the first Christmas, in my own home, with my own family, it was really nice.  I missed the house being full of people during the holiday.  I guess I got my wish as some of my neighbors and local friends kind of crashed my house on Christmas day!  It was great!  We made a new friends people that just moved it a crossed the street.   Along with all the ones we've made over the past 10 months.  That made it feel like the holidays.
 Even though I was not able to be home in Ohio, with my Dad and siblings, or with my In-Laws.  It really made me feel good.

It's been a bit sad this year not having my Mom to talk to.  Miss her so much.  I have been so busy with both of my kids having birthdays in December, Christmas, making holiday decorations/gifts, and trying to organize my house with all the things I brought home from my mothers/and my storage.  I have been swamped with things.  Oh and I can not for get re-doing all the computers in the house.  It's been crazy.  So haven't had to much time to think and be horribly sad about my mom.  So it hits me in spurts.

so Merry Christmas to All!!!!

hugs and Love
Vivian :)

Thursday, November 10

To My Beautiful Hearted Mother

After a very long and dragging summer into fall.  My Mothers health went up and down.  With rushing to her side every so often and seeing her through to a better day, then go home to my own family, it's been very hard the last 6 months..  My Husband has been wonderful, using up all of his vacation days, being there for me through the open heart surgery, the sepsis, the life suports, and ICU's.  I don't know how my Mom ever made it through it,  Everytime!  But, her last.  COPD was so bad my Mom's lungs would never stop filling with fulid.  we spent almost a week by her side, right to the end.   She found her own way of saying good bye, though all the pain killers, and drugs.  But in the end she looked like she was talking to someone.  I think it was my Grandmother, her mom, that came to take her home.  Even though I, and all of us will sorely miss her.  I am glad she is no longer in pain, and that she was in my life.  My Mom loved each of her kids the way she needed to be loved.  She was a wonderful Mom.  I will always charish her memory for as long as I live.

Painting done of My Mother when she was 24.
 Thank you God for such a lovely woman in my life.  Born June 4th, 1944 to November 6th, 2011.

Sunday, June 19

Hello :)

Hi Everyone!

Hello, and Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there!

Of Course, I called my father and wished him a Happy Day.

I just got back from a week long trip.
Went to spend time with the hubby who was at school down in Columbia, South Carlina.  Spent the day over at Charleston.  Went on carriage tour around town.  also took a look around the U.S.S. Yorktown docked over in the harbor. 

Then some how ended up visiting my brother who was over at Hilton Head with his in-laws.  I kind of crashed it.  Well they wanted me to stay!  I think to make breakfast.  Had a wonderful time, got lots of exercise swimming and even more sun.  I normally don't tan.  Unless I can tan my whole body!  Giggle!  Hate tan lines. I'm really dark now.

Had a Great time, it was so nice seeing my family.   My sister in-law's family was so much fun, and so nice.   I think next year we'll get an official invite.  LOL!  Won't need to crash it. 


Vivian :)

Friday, June 3

Meeting the Local Kinksters!

A couple weeks ago, one of my on fet life, was nice enough to let me know about a little dinner get together of some of local fet life, kinky folk.   Dinner was just a buffet, which works out better.   Met lots and lots of wonderful people!   some that even live near by!  oh the fun!

anyway!  It was nice to do, since I'm still braking Mr. Pierce, into all of this.  "Giggle!"  He actually had a great time.   We were invited to a private play party.   There was about a dozen of us.  I wanted to go cause the one girl I met was having her first ever rope suspension!   So of course I wanted to be there!  

We went home grabbed a few toys some skimpy clothing, and headed to the party!

I put Mr. Pierce in his first head space ever!   I got bent over a table, blind folded, spanked, and senual play.  I had an awesome head space going on.  Everyone was chatting away, and I didn't pay it any mind.  Wow!  some of the girls got ropped up a little.  I got to play with the one girl.  she was totaly sweet, and her breast were pretty too!    I lightly flogged her, with lots of nails, light touching, and hair pulling.   Even though she normaly likes it ruff, she had a couple hits earlier in the night before being warmed up.  so she loved the senitive sweet touch!  

It was a wonderful night, and look forward to play more.  maybe at fetish con!
see you in the dungeon maybe?

Vivian :)

Wednesday, March 16

It's My Birthday!!!

I thought all you kinky folk would get a kick out of this.

My husband comes home on his lunch, chases me around the house till he catches me!  Thows me over his shoulder in fireman carry.  Brings me kicking and screaming out to the living room, over to the couch.  Takes him about 10 mins to get me over his knee, and gives me propper birthday spanking!  LOL!!! Thought you'd enjoy that tid bit!
He also bought me a yummy ice cream cake from Dariy Queen!  Can't wait till he gets home!  Wink Wink
