Thursday, November 10

To My Beautiful Hearted Mother

After a very long and dragging summer into fall.  My Mothers health went up and down.  With rushing to her side every so often and seeing her through to a better day, then go home to my own family, it's been very hard the last 6 months..  My Husband has been wonderful, using up all of his vacation days, being there for me through the open heart surgery, the sepsis, the life suports, and ICU's.  I don't know how my Mom ever made it through it,  Everytime!  But, her last.  COPD was so bad my Mom's lungs would never stop filling with fulid.  we spent almost a week by her side, right to the end.   She found her own way of saying good bye, though all the pain killers, and drugs.  But in the end she looked like she was talking to someone.  I think it was my Grandmother, her mom, that came to take her home.  Even though I, and all of us will sorely miss her.  I am glad she is no longer in pain, and that she was in my life.  My Mom loved each of her kids the way she needed to be loved.  She was a wonderful Mom.  I will always charish her memory for as long as I live.

Painting done of My Mother when she was 24.
 Thank you God for such a lovely woman in my life.  Born June 4th, 1944 to November 6th, 2011.
