Saturday, December 24

Merry Chritsmas, Happy Hanukkan, and Happy Holiday's to all!

Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone has the most wonderful holiday season.  Good times, with friends, family, and loved ones.  Happy and safe.  with all the good things of the holiday season. 

Well it's the first Christmas, in my own home, with my own family, it was really nice.  I missed the house being full of people during the holiday.  I guess I got my wish as some of my neighbors and local friends kind of crashed my house on Christmas day!  It was great!  We made a new friends people that just moved it a crossed the street.   Along with all the ones we've made over the past 10 months.  That made it feel like the holidays.
 Even though I was not able to be home in Ohio, with my Dad and siblings, or with my In-Laws.  It really made me feel good.

It's been a bit sad this year not having my Mom to talk to.  Miss her so much.  I have been so busy with both of my kids having birthdays in December, Christmas, making holiday decorations/gifts, and trying to organize my house with all the things I brought home from my mothers/and my storage.  I have been swamped with things.  Oh and I can not for get re-doing all the computers in the house.  It's been crazy.  So haven't had to much time to think and be horribly sad about my mom.  So it hits me in spurts.

so Merry Christmas to All!!!!

hugs and Love
Vivian :)
