Sunday, June 19

Hello :)

Hi Everyone!

Hello, and Happy Father's Day to all you fathers out there!

Of Course, I called my father and wished him a Happy Day.

I just got back from a week long trip.
Went to spend time with the hubby who was at school down in Columbia, South Carlina.  Spent the day over at Charleston.  Went on carriage tour around town.  also took a look around the U.S.S. Yorktown docked over in the harbor. 

Then some how ended up visiting my brother who was over at Hilton Head with his in-laws.  I kind of crashed it.  Well they wanted me to stay!  I think to make breakfast.  Had a wonderful time, got lots of exercise swimming and even more sun.  I normally don't tan.  Unless I can tan my whole body!  Giggle!  Hate tan lines. I'm really dark now.

Had a Great time, it was so nice seeing my family.   My sister in-law's family was so much fun, and so nice.   I think next year we'll get an official invite.  LOL!  Won't need to crash it. 


Vivian :)
