Monday, December 8

Up date on my Mom

My Mom was moved to a rehabilitation center. She's lost a couple pounds since she's been in there. But, I'm really happy to say that she's eating a lot more!! Getting closer to a full meal!!! And she's walking around. Still gets tiered quickly, but everyday she get's stronger and stronger!!

She's aloud to leave the center 4 hours every other day! Which is great!!! She can get out and about, come home. It's help her moral. And made her realize all that she needs to get home. So now she's not fighting us on it anymore LOL!!

My sister and I spend a lot of time there with here. Bringing her lots of soup and chocolates! Hee hee that's my Mom for ya!

Either way she'll be home for Christmas, she said she's signing herself out, whether or not they like it or not. Oh well what can I say.
Vivian :)
