Monday, November 10

My Mom

Ever since I got home from Detroit, My Mom has been in the hospital hence why it took so long to update my sites.

She has had two surgeries and is healing well, but she's very very week, having problems with her nutritional level. All she needs to do now is be able to walk around, and eat. And that seems to be really hard. So I've been very stressed out. I know she'll get better. It's just the process is straining. We hope she'll be home for Christmas.

Because of what is going on with my Mom I did cancel all my trips for the next month. I'm hoping to start traveling again after the new year.

I have been editing some photo sets. I will be getting them up ASAP. So Look for up dates in the few days.

I do hope Everyone had a nice Thanksgiving.

And Thank You for all the supporting fan mail about my Mom I really appreciate all the prayers and good wishes, and the even the jokes. Thank you hugs Vivian
