Wednesday, December 24

Merry Christmas 2008

Christmas was very nice! We were lucky enough to have my Mom home! Not that she gave them much of a choice. Thankfully it's been good! Christmas Eve I spent with my Mom, My Aunt, 2 of my Sisters, 1 of my Brothers, 1 Niece and 1 Nephew. It wasn't as Crazy as it normally is but, it was a good time!

Of course my 15 year old niece was just like my 3 year old nephew, had to try on the clothes I got for them. I felt a little bad as my nephew show up in a cute little dress shirt, tie, and vest, and he had to have the new Cars Pajamas I bought him on, that's what he left wearing LOL.

Christmas Day spent it with my Dad, had dinner over our neighbors house, and I spent the evening where I do every year. With my Best Friend for the past 20 years with her family. I had a really nice 2 days of holiday cheer :)
