Friday, October 31

My Visit to San Francisco, CA

I left LA and headed to San Francisco to see my old roommate from Cleveland. San Francisco is one of my favorite city's to visit. But, Not to Drive in!!!! OH my GOD!!! I have drive all over the place, even on the wrong side of the road in England. But this place takes the cake!

I did have a nice drive up to the Light House that was closed for high winds! And WOW was those winds going! I can see why it was closed.

But, it was fun, I got to go over the Golden Gate Bridge! and see lots of cows. Yes, Cows, there are sorts of ranches along the way to the Light House. The coast line was beautiful but, a far drop if you drove off.

And as for Halloween, I went to a little club with my friends, and won 1st prize for the costume contest!
Happy Halloween!

Thursday, October 23

First time meeting and shooting with Ashley Renee!

I got to work with one of my favorites, and one of the most wonderful models of all times Ashley Renee!!! She is so much fun to work with!!! And she's a nut for bondage! Which is what we all LOVE!!! Wow she's even sexier in person let me tell you. Really friendly up beat happy attitude, she's hard not to love. I'm really looking forward to see her again.

She is also so insane, I love lingerie! We all know this. Ashley when she's shooting tied up. She's like go just cut my bra off! I'm like NO that is so cute don't cut it! But, I guess she's right, you can't wear the same thing to may times when your shooting for your own site. It seems so CRAZY to me to cut it. But, it makes sence. Ashley is great!

Check out her site :)

Tuesday, October 21

Shoot with Natiali DeMore!

Today I got to play I mean shoot with Natali Demore!

She's a lot of fun to work with. Sexy Naughty girl what's not to like right! We did two sets.

Had a great time, we wore school girl uniforms and played silly valley girl sorority sisters. We got to tickle each other and jump on the bed. It was all in good girl fun!

After the shoot we got to go to Porn Star Karaoke! I was so much fun!!

I got to give Natali her Birthday Spanking!!!! Poor thing her birthday was last week but with the LA fires she was evacuated out of her home. So she didn't get to celebrate her birthday. Well we fixed that. I was just happy I could help out :-P She just laid her self across my lap and told me I could spank hard if I wanted to :) she so adorably naughty.
if your looking for her site!

Saturday, October 18

My Drive to LA

I know driving sometimes takes a while, but, it can be breath taking. I enjoy seeing the world. The Rocky Mountains really can see that we're just a speck of grand scale of things. Truly an amazing experience to anyone that has never done it before.

If you ever can do it, I would strongly suggest getting out there and see the world. Nature can be so beautiful.

So on this paticular trip..

In all my travels, I have never had someone creep me out before! When I was gassing up somewhere a little ways outside of Denver, CO. (had to stop from all the bugs that committed suicide on my wind shield.)

I'm on the phone talking to Natali Demore about our up coming shoot. When I pull up to the gas pump. There's a guy maybe mid 20's leaning on the outside wall of the gas station, just staring at me. As I'm pumping and talking to Natali, I try not to notice him (I honestly don't like being started at. Glanced at ok, but this guy was being RUDE there's a difference!) So as I'm finishing he's still doing it. I look at him and I'm like "What?!" the guys said "Nothing". I pulled up so I wouldn't block other cars because the pump area was so narrow. I pulled my car into a parking spot across the parking lot and near a gift shop. But, great with talking on the phone with Natali I completely forgot that I needed to clean my windshield and believe me it really needed it! it looked like rain drops..... grouse! So now I'm thinking great now I have to near that weird guy. I go back towards the gas station on foot. The guy never stopped looking at me. So I screamed "Why are you staring" and I think the guy said because he a small mousy voice "I like watching" I go in the store, grab some water, I come out and grab a squeegee. And the guy is now near my car, across the parking lot, and he's leaning on the gift shop building. As I walk over I notice he has all these things on his belt, like a cell phone, a walkie talkie, and something else similar that stuff. So I asked "Are you security" He said, "No". Than I asked "Why are you staring?" He said "Because I like to watch Women". Yeah I felt great that this creep is by my car!!! After he said that I actually said "That's Creepy! That's like sexual offender" The guy asked me if I was married, I said "No but in a long term relationship." By this time I'm almost done with my windshield thank god, but not finished yet!!! Still finishing up, and trying to keep him distracted. So I ask him back "Are you married?" "No" he says. pauses, and says "But I like having sex with women" I said "You really shouldn't say that to people you don't know". Mind you when this guy spoke he sounded like he was only half witted. So now I'm just about finished. He asked me how old I was. After I said my age, he's then asks me if what he said was wrong because it was to young to say? At this point I was just floored. I was so happy to drive a way from there!!!!

Talk about Creepy!!!!!!!

Monday, October 13

Fall is a beautiful time of the year!

It was such a beautiful Indian Summer day, I decided to take a walk see the fall colors. I took these pictures with my cell phone. Not that bad from a cell phone.

Fall really is one of my favorite times of the year. Grin, I love all four seasons.
