Wednesday, April 22

Found this and thought you guys and girls would get a kick out of it.  One time when I was in New York City a friend of mine showed me this store.  It was named "Fuck Yoga" but the yoga people found it offensive I can see why, and had them change the name.  It's now called "It's a Sickness"   But I still think the matches are off the wall silly and funny.  I have no idea if the store is still there.  But, they had t-shirts with funny saying on them.  I'll never forget the one.  It was a hand holding a revolver point out at you.  and it said and I quote!  "Say You Love Jesus!  Say It!"  It was the best!

Tuesday, April 14

Superheroien Day at Carol and John's Comic Book Store

April 6 - 15 2009

This is why I was so absent off the net for while. Took a while to recouped and it's been tuff to get all my updates and emails in order. But, what am I kidding I'm just always behind. I'm no Wonder Vivian no matter how hard I try! :)

We got lots of fun videos waiting for you all in the months to come.

The one on in the Wonder Girl outfit has been my best friend for over 10 years. She's great and did a wonderful job being my partner in my Super hero world. She goes by Elizabeth Huntington.

Super Girl is my other good friend for the past 3 years She's also sexy and naughty goes by Gabrielle DelMonaco.

And Bat girl is my long time friend from High School Lauren June.

We had a great time playing all night long at the comic book store!

The comic book store has a free comic book day check it out!

to activate the video to on the left move curser over it. it's a fun little slide show I put together of our fun time at the comic book store dressed as super heroines!!!

Tuesday, April 7

Spring by Lake Erie

We Elizabeth Huntington and I was showing our photographer friend from Virginia a little bit of the city and it's surroundings when he came and shot with us over Easter Weekend.

You don't want to go into the water yet! Not only is it DAM cold, but it's high and ruff waters. There's normally a beach in the picture where were standing.

So Happy Spring!

Picture to my Right is a pretty view of My Lovely City Cleveland.

The other pictures I just thought where pretty a gate to a private beach in the area. And the picture with my girlfriend and I is a small beach we visit from time to time (yes when there is one) in the summer.

Monday, April 6

Peidcure's Girls Day

Getting Ready for the shoot!  Left side Gabrielle DelMonicos Toes and Right mine!

Wednesday, April 1

Built a Desk For My Mother, Yes! Me With Tools

This is no joke! My Mom bought a desk for the computer my bother in DC gave her. And my other brother is always really busy. So I put the desk together my self. Any thing to help my Mom out. My Aunt loved my tool box. (I keep it in my car never know when you may need it.)                      
I really love putting things together. When I was in High School and you know how they test all the students for different aptitude test. Well according to my tests I ranked way above for mechanical engineering. I always did love making things with my hands. So I always find these little project so much fun. :)

And I did not do to bad of a job of it! My Mother is so Proud!
