Friday, March 27

Cleveland, Organ Grinders Ball 2009

Every year Cleveland has an annual fund raiser for organ donors, Called the "Organ Grinders Ball" Even though it's been going on 10+ years I've only managed to go to 3 of them and have always had a "BALL!" No Pun intended!

I know the pictures are not the greatest. Their taken with my cell phone. (I need a new camera someone stole my last one) :(

Anyway I made my hat! One of these days I hope to make them to sell. Their so dam cute! I had more guys at the club tell me how much they like it. And how much their wife or girlfriend would love one. It's so interesting how last year girls loved the other hat I was wearing, this year all my complements on my hat where from men. I just love fetish! :)
