Friday, March 27

Cleveland, Organ Grinders Ball 2009

Every year Cleveland has an annual fund raiser for organ donors, Called the "Organ Grinders Ball" Even though it's been going on 10+ years I've only managed to go to 3 of them and have always had a "BALL!" No Pun intended!

I know the pictures are not the greatest. Their taken with my cell phone. (I need a new camera someone stole my last one) :(

Anyway I made my hat! One of these days I hope to make them to sell. Their so dam cute! I had more guys at the club tell me how much they like it. And how much their wife or girlfriend would love one. It's so interesting how last year girls loved the other hat I was wearing, this year all my complements on my hat where from men. I just love fetish! :)

Wednesday, March 25

This is part of my City! The picture to the Left is a picture of our Terminal Tower. It was built during the time when train travel was the main way of getting around. Still has what you may consider a subway or transit station. It was built in the 1930's and for decades was the second largest building in the world only out beat by Empire State building in New York City.

It's a really neat building, there's a hotel in it. Ball rooms, a 3 story mall, (part of it you eat under the street), movie theater, and is home to our Cleveland Hard Rock.

My Father use to take my sister and I to one of the building tops and give us peanuts to feed the pigeons. A favorite memory of mine :)

The picture below is a statue out side of one justice buildings.


If anyone is a "The Christmas Story" buff than you will love this little piece of history. This the department store they filmed at. It's no longer a department store sadly, But, I remember going in there when I was a child, it's where we (my sister and I) got our first cabbage patch kids. But, my Father says he remembers when he was a kid they did have a Christmas slide. Wow! I believe we were gypped! Christmas use to be so much better. back then my Dad said. It didn't matter what religion you were, everyone said "Merry Christmas" people where just happy and was full of the holiday sprit. The Stores always so done up and the Christmas lights everyone would line up to see.

(Left and Right)

Cleveland, Ohio had the first city in the have electric street lamps. This is supposedly is one of the original ones that is still left to brighten and decorating one of our street corner in the public square area. I think it's beautiful. But I really love old buildings and the craftsmanship that was put in them.

Monday, March 2

Trip Back Home from the West Coast

Here's a few videos from my trip! One of some of my drive. A Second of my brief time just south of Denver. And the Tried is my visit to the OZ Museum in Kansas. I thought why not and took a little side tour. I hope you enjoy that video since it was a little tricky and time consuming trying to get the music off the original movie. I'm very proud of how that one came out.   more to come.
 I'm just trying to get this up and go off to bed Hugs.


Something Funny to Make you Laugh!
