Thursday, March 8

March Shoot!

Had an awesome time shooting with Evqulick a magician type shoot!  First I was just so excited because the costumes in magician assistants have always been a huge favorite of mine!  Also Showgirls too!  What can I say I am attracted to sexy, pretty, sparkly things.  And I just love costumes!
A day or two before I left, I had a fun time, trying on different costumes to see what would together, even my husband had a fun time helping me! wink wink!!!!

The trip was nice, stopped and visited my
cousin in South Carolina.
My little cousins are just so sweet.

Then off to my shoot!
Evquilick was just so easy to work with
and the magic tricks where just so much fun!

You will have to check out is stuff to see the rest!

Being cut in half was a bit scary!  So was Being split into
pieces.  Okay!  I also can't forget almost getting my head
cut off in the guillotine!  WoW!
