Tuesday, February 14

Feburary 14, Valentine's Day

Hello Everyone,
Today is a very Special Day! Today Marks my First Year Anniversary!   Fist Year of being married and with kids.  It's been a pretty long year.  With first our cat dying of Leukemia, and then the roller coaster with my mom and her passing in November.  Learning how to cook more then the basics, and having physical home, I actually stay home in.  A wonderful Husband that is and or tries to always be there for me.  Of course him and I even had our ups and downs.  But, they do say the first year is the hardest.  It has gotten better, and everyday now even better then the first.  We are planing a Big, White Dress, Church Wedding in April, back in my home town.  I am really looking forward to it.  (see we got married at the justice of the peace, so this is our formal wedding)  I am now very glad we did it that way.  Because, My Mom was there.

I hope you all had a Wonderful Day!

Hugs Vivian :)
