Monday, June 15

My Trip to Costa Rica

My trip to Costa Rica. I had a very interesting time. Full of adventure! I think that best explains it. Everything from driving among the natives to eating local food. On the most part I had a wonderful time. Nature was exceptional bar none. Beautiful! Amazing! If you do ever go, just be smart, pay attention, don't pull out to much money at any given time. keep your passport locked up and keep a photo copy of it on you.

I loved zip lining it was my favorite of all things that I did. Although the white water rafting was a blast. The repelling I thought was going to be more exhilarating then it was but, it was still amazing, and I would so do it again!


I think the national thing to do is to poke things with a stick. On the zip line we saw a tarantula hole out guide got a stick and tried to poke down the hole to get it to come out. Like I want to see a tarantula in it's natural habitat, and without glass in between it and me. We also went a river boat ride and got to see crocodile which again with a stick we put chicken parts on it. yes not even 6 feet a way. Everyone of course went to one side of the boat. boats are not stable for that. I was the only was on the other side of the boat. I wasn't about to actually feed the crocodile! I did however have fun when we feed the cute little spider monkeys.


I did not do that to the car!
